Our Values

Gospel ~ Community ~ Neighbor

At the core of everything we are, and everything we do, is the GOSPEL: the Good News that in the midst of our brokenness, and hopelessness, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to save sinners like us. We want this promise to be at the center of the life of Redeemer.

In response to God’s generous love for His church, we are called to generously love one another and live out the call to COMMUNITY. In order to love each other well, we must be willing to both know and be known by one another. At Redeemer, we place a high value on gathering to share meals, popsicles, laughter, tears, and life together. Through the Good News of the Gospel, we are learning how to be honest with each other, how to grow in vulnerability, forgiving one another (and seeking forgiveness), and truly encouraging one another towards Jesus. We’re far from perfect, but we believe that true change always happens in the context of community, and we’re expecting to see God work through our messiness to heal and restore broken people.

The Gospel brings us into a relationship with Christ and also calls us out into our community to “love our NEIGHBOR as ourselves.” However, before we can start loving our neighbor, we must first know our neighbor. Therefore, we place a high emphasis on simply being present in our community, and specifically on our streets. We love living in a diverse community because it allows us to learn from each other, including people who may have grown up very differently from each other. Also, by seeking to truly know and love our neighbors, we can come alongside them to help meet the needs of our community in the most appropriate and dignifying manner.